The 'Charioteering' Lifestyle!

VIDEOS of 'Balancing Chariots in Action! 1sr CHARIOT COSMIC GRASSHOPPER A Frozen TINMAN A recent wedding gig! NY TIMES PHOTOS!  FUTURE Models! A SK8nHOPPER Concept! CONTACT INFO BURNING MAN photos PERPETUAL MOTION MAN Many PATENTS! FOLDABLE CHARIOT! Our OCEAN OF AIR! The Gooey Message Down Under! ALL WRAPPED UP IN BLUE! Welcome to GULLIVER Birds,Frogs,Fish & Fresh Air DREAMCATCHER SWINGS The CRYOPERK Engine Rickshaw/GRANNY TRIKE! Charioteering PHYSICS! AIRGULPER  HEALING CELLPHONES! A FLOATIN' FORD! SWINGSET Power A "LUNG ENEMA"!  Crystal Yurt GREENHOUSE SPINNING AIRSHIP GLIDER SANTA BARBARA Chariot WHALE'S TAIL Wind Energy Harvester A 'SNOWHOPPER' Concept! Let's Go Phi a Kite! Christmas Eve VENICEbeachHOPPIN' FLOAT To Space... Electric Chariot Dreamin' NASA Satellite Re-Entry Danger Monster Mars Rocket PINECONEspinningAirship / FanwingSOLARSHIP Oxygenating, Detoxifying, Mosquito-Repelling AEROPONICS A Festive PUPPETHOPPER OH THE SITES... A ONE-WHEELED Chariot! Some FACTUAL ERRORS of the SPACE PROGRAM  In Depth FANWING Charioteering Lifestyle The "'SpacedOutX' Dragon V2"

Burningman 2007 Dreamcatchermobile VIDEOS:

(when on Youtube, CLICK AUTOPLAY)



pea cechariot@ hotm

 8 45- 27 5- 8 862

FOLDABLE  Chariot design (part 1)

 A SK8nHOPPER design (part 2)

The photo below is my latest chariot at the Summer Solstice parade in Santa Barbara, CA. It is constructed around a granny trike! One of the passengers could pedal and assist with forward motion this way.

3" diameter bamboo and lashed with bicycle innertube, which is then covered up with decorative cloth. Electric wheel chair wheels, 120psi BMX bike tires and a hardened steel 5/8" axle. The hoops for the hemp rope dreamcatchers are made from aluminum bicycle wheel rims.

^ This is one of my first balancing Dreamcatcher Rickshaws at the National Rainbow Gathering in Arizona, 1996

I must say, I love my job! It's so much fun to live on the 'edge' like this! It's kinda like having a 'land boat'! I went through last winter living on a 'Skeedaddlehopper RV' I insulated the walls, and 'goosedown everything' is the key!

I believe that this is one reason why I am so healthy. I breathe fresh, cool air at night while staying warm in a nice sleeping bag!   I must say, I can get too comfortable living indoors all the time!  Doing it this way causes me to creatively come up with new and novel solutions!

This one below was built in Woodstock, NY.  I wove all of the hemp rope hammocks.  Sched40 aluminum conduit was bent into the arches.  It was then wrapped with dyed, hemp fabric.  One hemp hammock was dyed & batiked with spirals and squiggles!  Hemp, hemp, hooray!